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subway series中文是什么意思

用"subway series"造句"subway series"怎么读"subway series" in a sentence


  • 地大
  • 地铁大战


  • But before we get ahead of ourselves , here are 10 questions that need to be answered before we head for a subway series
  • That , of course , leads to the bigger question that many people outside of new york would rather not have to ask : is it time for another subway series
  • Despite downplaying the yankees - mets talent displayed at shortstop , jeter didn ' t deny how pumped up the city gets during the subway series
  • You want to know if a 26 - year - old in just his second season thinks about his status as the only dominant starter for the two new york teams in a season expected to end in a subway series
  • Torre said that he was against bringing either wang or mussina back on short rest to pitch in the subway series , citing the fact that both served time on the disabled list with hamstring issues this season
  • You want to know if a 26 - year - old in just his second season thinks about his status as the only dominant starter for the two new york teams in a season expected to end in a subway series
  • The ace of the yankees ' staff befuddled the mets in the finale of the subway series last night , holding them to six hits in eight - plus innings and posting a career - high 10 strikeouts in an 8 - 2 triumph
    这位洋基的王牌在昨晚地铁大战的最后一战中,成功的迷惑了大都会的打者;他在八局多的投球,只让对手打出6支零星的安打,外加目前生涯新高的10次三振,最终以8 - 2赢得了胜利。
  • [ color = black ] " i don ' t think i ' m far from where i should be , but i don ' t think i ' m close either , " matsui told mlb . com long after the yankees dropped a 3 - 2 decision to the rival mets in the first game of their three - game weekend subway series . " during the season , you just have ups and downs
用"subway series"造句  


The Subway Series is a series of Major League Baseball games played between teams based in New York City; referencing the fact that one can take the Subway to the games regardless of which team is the "home" team. The term's historic usage has been in reference to World Series games played between New York teams. The New York Yankees have appeared in all Subway Series games as they have been the only American League team in the city, and have compiled an 11?3 record in the fourteen championship Subway Series. Since 1997, the term Subway Series has also been applied informally to interleague play during the regular season between the Yankees and National League New York Mets, although the term is still most commonly associated with World Series play.
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